TTE 84: How Great Branding & a Great Niche Helped Felice Martin Build a Thriving Private Practice
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Felice Martin is The Attitude Adjuster. And wow! I was so floored at how effective those 3 words are at communicating Felice’s niche and her specialty.
Here is Felice Martin’s Therapist Experience.
Best Marketing Move for Her Practice
- Facebook Live videos
Links & Resources Mentioned in This Episode
- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
- Jennifer Sneeden’s Thriving Therapy Practice
- SimplePractice
- Felice’s Website
Thanks to Felice for joining me this week. Until next time!
Sbrew says
Enjoyed listening to Felice. She is very passionate about what she does. I admire her perseverance and creativity.
Perry Rosenbloom says
Me too! Felice was such a great guest to have on and had so much value to add!